
Feedback re the new Aged Care Quality Standards

By Kym Torresi posted 15-11-2022 14:11

Hi Aged Care Community!

The Aged Care Quality Standards are currently being reviewed, and the Department of Health and Aged Care is welcoming public submissions by close 25 November 2022

You can find a link to the revised Standards here:  Revised Aged Care Quality Standards – detailed draft for public consultation | Australian Government Department of Health and Aged Care and can submit via the survey but also in whatever form you like - eg short targeted letter etc Survey and consultation papers: revised Aged Care Quality Standards - Ageing and Aged Care Engagement Hub (

Why does this matter?
- We need these to be right for regulation of who gets access to speech pathology.
In the absence of dedicated allied health funding in the AN-ACC or mandatory benchmarks for allied health service provision, the Dept are pointing to the Quality Standards as the mechanism to identify when someone is not accessing the right allied health supports.SPA is concerned that this mechanism, and the content of the revised Standards will not improve the current restricted and often inadequate access to Speech Pathology
- 'Communication' has been left out of the list of conditions under the 'Comprehensive Care Standard' which providers are likely to reference to determine which AHPs they need to get in and what services to be provided.

Speech Pathology Australia is aware that people with communication difficulties currently frequently miss out on funded access to speech pathology in aged care. SPA is continuing to actively work on advocacy at the highest levels and will be also submitting a formal submission to this consultation. We would urge anyone interested in joining this call to ensure the needs of older people with communication and swallowing difficulties are met to consider writing a short submission as well to amplify these voices at this time, and please share widely with colleagues and clients.
Kym :)
