
Code of Conduct to be implemented soon in WA

By Fiona McKenny posted 20-07-2023 13:00


The Code of Conduct for certain health care workers (Code of Conduct) will soon be implemented in Western Australia and the Indian Ocean Territories. The Code applies to health care workers who are unregistered, which includes speech pathologists and sets minimum standards of practice. 

The Health and Disability Services Complaints Office (HaDSCO) can investigate a health care worker's conduct, warn the public and prohibit the health care worker from practising if they are considered a serious risk to public health and safety.

Clinicians must display the code at their practice

Under the Code of Conduct, health care workers:


  • Provide safe and ethical health services.
  • Obtain consent for treatment.
  • Report concerns about other health care workers.
  • Act appropriately and timely when something goes wrong.
  • Take care to protect clients from infection.
  • Comply with privacy laws.
  • Keep appropriate records.
  • Be covered by insurance.
  • Display the Code of conduct and information about making a complaint (some exclusions may apply).
  • Respect clients' choice to seek or continue medical treatment, and cooperate with other practitioners if they do.


  • Put clients at risk of infectious medical conditions they have.
  • Make false claims about curing serious illnesses such as cancer.
  • Misinform clients about their products, services, qualifications or training.
  • Provide services under the influence of drugs or alcohol.
  • Put clients at risk due to their own mental or physical impairment.
  • Financially exploit clients.
  • Have an inappropriate relationship with clients.

For more information please click on the link Code of Conduct

